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Tag Archives: food

Food for breast cancer patients

The food you eat is important in helping to boost your body’s immune system. In addition, the right food will help repair and restore damaged tissues to their original condition faster. Currently, there is no type of food that has been proven to prevent or

How many types of braces are there and how are they different?

Orthodontics can be divided into 2  types  as follows:          2. Orthodontics with clear removable braces or Invisalign It is a modern orthodontic innovation that is currently popular. It is an orthodontic treatment that helps solve the problem of metal braces where the tools can be clearly seen.

Clogged acne can be prevented.

Treating clogged acne requires a period of continuous skin care. Adjusting the behaviors that cause acne may help prevent new comedones from occurring after treatment. You may use the following healthy methods: Wash your face thoroughly 2 times a day, in the morning and before bed. or after doing

What is biotin and what are its functions?

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin. Known by other names: Vitamin H or Vitamin B7. The body needs biotin to help with the functioning of various systems as follows: Treat and prevent biotin deficiency.  This condition can occur for many reasons, such as malnutrition. rapid weight loss Receiving food